Dudley, AX, AXJ, NF

Australian Shepherd
Date of birth: 8/26/2006
AKC Agility
Novice Agility (NA)
Open Agility (OA)
Excellent Agility (AX)
Novice Jumpers (NJ)
Open Jumpers (OJ)
Excellent Jumpers (AXJ)
Novice Fast (NF)
Dudley is the swissy excersizer-extroidinaire! His ever-ready spirit and playful nature make him a great dog to have around as part of the pack. He tries his best to always keep everyone moving- he LOVES to be chased by the pack of swissies and they are always ready to herd and control this crazy little dog! Dudley was my first agility dog and taught me a lot about handling a dog on course. Thanks buddy!!